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The cm_net function finds the maximum likelihood estimates for fitted values in the log-linear model: $$\log y_{ij} = \log \alpha_{i} + \log \alpha_{i}^{-1} + \log m_{ij} $$


  net_tot = NULL,
  m = NULL,
  tol = 1e-06,
  maxit = 500,
  verbose = TRUE,
  alpha0 = rep(1, length(net_tot))



Vector of net migration totals to constrain the sum of the imputed cell row and columns. Elements must sum to zero.


Array of auxiliary data. By default, set to 1 for all origin-destination-migrant typologies combinations.


Numeric value for the tolerance level used in the parameter estimation.


Numeric value for the maximum number of iterations used in the parameter estimation.


Logical value to indicate the print the parameter estimates at each iteration. By default FALSE.


Vector of initial estimates for alpha


Conditional maximisation routine set up using the partial likelihood derivatives. The argument net_tot takes the known net migration totals. The user must ensure that the net migration totals sum globally to zero.

Returns a list object with


Array of indirect estimates of origin-destination matrices by migrant characteristic


Iteration count


Tolerance level at final iteration


Guy J. Abel, Peter W. F. Smith


m <- matrix(data = 1:16, nrow = 4)
# m[lower.tri(m)] <- t(m)[lower.tri(m)]
#>                 Sum
#>      1  5  9 13  28
#>      2  6 10 14  32
#>      3  7 11 15  36
#>      4  8 12 16  40
#> Sum 10 26 42 58 136
#> [1] -18  -6   6  18

y <- cm_net(net_tot = c(30, 40, -15, -55), m = m)
#> iteration: 0 
#> alpha parameters: 1 1 1 1 
#> iteration: 1 
#> alpha parameters: 0.2668645 0.4718705 1.308365 2.074099 
#> iteration: 2 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3411136 0.5168407 1.249673 1.830115 
#> iteration: 3 
#> alpha parameters: 0.321874 0.4988266 1.264682 1.897978 
#> iteration: 4 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3269606 0.5034982 1.260477 1.879734 
#> iteration: 5 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3255818 0.5022216 1.261608 1.884656 
#> iteration: 6 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3259533 0.5025649 1.261303 1.883327 
#> iteration: 7 
#> alpha parameters: 0.325853 0.5024722 1.261385 1.883686 
#> iteration: 8 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3258801 0.5024972 1.261363 1.883589 
#> iteration: 9 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3258728 0.5024905 1.261369 1.883615 
#> iteration: 10 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3258748 0.5024923 1.261367 1.883608 
#> iteration: 11 
#> alpha parameters: 0.3258742 0.5024918 1.261368 1.88361 
#>      dest
#> orig          A         B         C         D        Sum
#>   A    1.000000  3.242583  2.325150  2.249068   8.816802
#>   B    3.083961  6.000000  3.983707  3.734790  16.802458
#>   C   11.612152 17.571573 11.000000 10.044818  50.228543
#>   D   23.120683 29.988296 17.919688 16.000000  87.028668
#>   Sum 38.816796 56.802453 35.228545 32.028677 162.876471
#>         A         B         C         D 
#>  29.99999  39.99999 -15.00000 -54.99999 

m <- matrix(data = c(0, 100, 30, 70, 50, 0, 45, 5, 60, 35, 0, 40, 20, 25, 20, 0),
            nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE,
            dimnames = list(orig = LETTERS[1:4], dest = LETTERS[1:4]))
#>      dest
#> orig    A   B  C   D Sum
#>   A     0 100 30  70 200
#>   B    50   0 45   5 100
#>   C    60  35  0  40 135
#>   D    20  25 20   0  65
#>   Sum 130 160 95 115 500
#>   A   B   C   D 
#> -70  60 -40  50 

y <- cm_net(net_tot = c(-100, 125, -75, 50), m = m)
#> iteration: 0 
#> alpha parameters: 1 1 1 1 
#> iteration: 1 
#> alpha parameters: 1.094097 0.7858951 1.161443 1 
#> iteration: 2 
#> alpha parameters: 1.016884 0.8650374 1.10878 1.051379 
#> iteration: 3 
#> alpha parameters: 1.064952 0.8226093 1.128406 1.017637 
#> iteration: 4 
#> alpha parameters: 1.035856 0.8460655 1.11986 1.037046 
#> iteration: 5 
#> alpha parameters: 1.052807 0.8325 1.124076 1.026025 
#> iteration: 6 
#> alpha parameters: 1.042904 0.8402779 1.121866 1.032308 
#> iteration: 7 
#> alpha parameters: 1.048632 0.8357758 1.123085 1.028704 
#> iteration: 8 
#> alpha parameters: 1.045312 0.8383713 1.1224 1.030778 
#> iteration: 9 
#> alpha parameters: 1.04723 0.8368707 1.122791 1.029582 
#> iteration: 10 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046121 0.837737 1.122567 1.030272 
#> iteration: 11 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046762 0.8372364 1.122696 1.029874 
#> iteration: 12 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046392 0.8375255 1.122622 1.030104 
#> iteration: 13 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046606 0.8373585 1.122665 1.029971 
#> iteration: 14 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046482 0.837455 1.12264 1.030048 
#> iteration: 15 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046554 0.8373992 1.122654 1.030003 
#> iteration: 16 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046512 0.8374314 1.122646 1.030029 
#> iteration: 17 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046536 0.8374128 1.122651 1.030014 
#> iteration: 18 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046522 0.8374236 1.122648 1.030023 
#> iteration: 19 
#> alpha parameters: 1.04653 0.8374174 1.122649 1.030018 
#> iteration: 20 
#> alpha parameters: 1.046526 0.837421 1.122648 1.030021 
#>      dest
#> orig          A         B        C          D       Sum
#>   A     0.00000 124.97056 27.96585  71.121910 224.05832
#>   B    40.00942   0.00000 33.56693   4.065067  77.64142
#>   C    64.36422  46.92119  0.00000  43.597199 154.88260
#>   D    19.68451  30.74980 18.34980   0.000000  68.78412
#>   Sum 124.05815 202.64155 79.88258 118.784175 525.36645
#>          A          B          C          D 
#> -100.00017  125.00013  -75.00002   50.00006